• 刺猬大作战0.9.14.1终于发布 附新武器演示




    New devastating weapons!

    Show no mercy and let your hedgehog army fry, smash, poison and destroy your enemies like never before!
    Not only will the Flamethrower, Hammer, Sticky Mines and Old Limburger take your sadism to a new level, they will also let you forge new strategies for giving your challenger a hard time.  

    And if you are willing to sacrifice a hog for a good cause then you’ll truly enjoy to wreak havoc behind enemy lines using the Piano Strike!  

    New powerful utilities!

    You are lazy AND smart? You’ll love the Portal Gun! Move yourself, hogs and things from A to B etc. and back! Be daring, be creative, be nasty! 😀
    Also don’t mourn your fallen hogs too much, because now you get a chance to bring them back to life using the Resurrector! Take care not to revive hogs that you want to stay dead though!  

    New Maps and Themes

    Nowhere to run to, no place to hide!
    Fight your enemies in the jungle, at construction sites, on stage and even in the minds of artists!  

    Improved interface and Lobby

    We don’t only want you to have fun during the game, but also on the way getting there!
    The new lobby should now do a better job of helping you to find the game you’re looking for!  

    Improved Lua Scripting Support

    New chances to have your visions become brutal reality and fun for the community!  

    And there is more!

    Prettier fire and effects!
    Projectiles being fired from the weapons’ actual barrels!
    More hats and new Forts!
    Better stats!
    Tweaked weapon and utility behaviours!  

    Still not enough?!

    Then go check out to http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/source/browse/ChangeLog.txt to see a more complete list of the additions and changes!  

    Well, that’s about it, have fun kicking some serious butt guys!  

    Known issues:  

    Especially the development of the portal gun has proven tricky, so be prepared for (hopefully) funny glitches 😛  

    Those will be hopefully removed in 0.9.15, which I promise* won’t be such a long wait again!
    If you find an issue that’s not listed on http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/issues/list , please submit it there!




  • 《南方周末》:很广州很家常



    等待看亚运会开幕式彩排的广州市民。 (南方周末记者 王轶庶/图)









  • IT “公民”的健康困境




    小丁的现象,在IT业内可谓是司空见惯。IT业是一个高压力的职场,从2005年年仅38岁的网易代理首席执行官孙德棣猝死,到2010年37岁的腾讯网女性频道主编于石泓因脑溢血去世,“过劳死”已经成为IT界一个可怕的梦魇。有数据显示,公安、IT、文化演艺等职业已经成为“过劳死”的高发区, “过劳死”时的平均年龄为44岁,其中IT阶层年龄最低,仅仅为37.9岁。

  • 《极品飞车:世界》Version 5即将到来 新增性能改装系统

    Next week is going to be a big week because we’re launching version 5 of Need for Speed World!

    On Tuesday, November 16th we’ll be bringing down the NFS World servers for several hours to deploy Version 5.  Among the many changes in this new version is the new Performance Customization system.  It’s finally time to get this cool new feature in your hands and we can’t wait to see how the community will tune their cars with the new system.

    Keep your eye on the Need for Speed World site for more information on Performance Customization and the other changes coming in Version 5.

  • 《极品飞车:世界》10月28日新增3个地区+25赛事


    We are very excited to announce three new regions and 25 new race events will be added to Need for Speed World tonight! You’ll now be able to race through classic Need for Speed territory revisiting Rockport, Fortuna and Kempton. For those of you who’ve driven these streets before we can guarantee you’ll never have seen the cities looking as good as they do now. The World team have spent months going through the maps and tuning every element of the cities to bring a whole new level of detail to the game.

    As well as the new regions we’ve included 25 new races spread across great new Sprint and Circuit events. New leaderboards will be available so you can show off your skills to the whole racing World.

    This is just the first in a series of very cool updates we’ve got planned for World so stayed tuned and we’ll see you on the streets.

    新增的3个地区为Rockport, Fortuna 和 Kempton。不多说,上图。

    [nggallery id=2]

  • IE 9 Beta 与 WordPress 3 和其默认主题 Twenty Ten 不兼容的解决

    自从换上了IE9 Beta,我就发现Wordpress跟IE9 Beta不能在默认的情况下和睦相处:一是默认主题Twenty Ten顶端图片显示不正常,这还不是最重要的;二是编辑器不能用了,文章自然也不能写了。


    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"/>



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  • 显卡风扇不转了…试试把风扇的电源线插到主板上


    排除了电源等诸多可能因素,一番折腾下来, 最后把风扇的电源线从显卡上拔下来,插到主板的”SYS FAN”接口上,开机,风扇又转起来了。