• 【视频】《百战天虫:重装上阵》无聊一录





    8月5日,Team 17公布了《百战天虫》系列最新作《百战天虫:重装(Worms Reloaded)》的更多细节和游戏截图,并郑重宣布,本作将不再采用前几作的3D场景,而改为回归到经典的2D,高清的2D画面将带给老玩家全新的视觉享受。

    《百战天虫》系列其实从来都不需要3D,Team 17近年在制作了数款3D版的《百战天虫》后,终于意识到了这点,决心从《百战天虫:重装》开始回归到经典的2D。本作也是PC上这十年中首部2D版《百战天虫》。


    游戏的研发总监Martyn Brown在介绍游戏时说道,“《百战天虫:重装》是制作小组回归到经典怀旧的一作。算起来,本作距离上一部2D系列作品已经有几乎10年的时差了。在《百战天虫:重装》中,我们除了回归到2D外,还将玩家们津津乐道的经典元素再次加入到了游戏中。另外,本作也是近年来我们公司首个自己负责发行的游戏。我们非常期待和玩家们一起不断的完善这个游戏。”


  • 《极品飞车:世界》 (NFS:World) 单人竞赛游戏视频


    赛道:Old Quarter



    赛道:Silk Road


    赛道:Rockridge & Union


    赛道:North Broadway

  • 极品飞车:世界 (Need for Speed:World) 公测图赏


    昨天公测开始,一直尝试着登录但一直登录不上,今天登录上了就上图吧。这个公测的版本跟2个星期前的stress test的版本似乎没有什么不同  🙂

    [nggallery id=1]

  • 《极品飞车:世界》7月20日正式发布

    Need for Speed World is now live! The Head Start period for Starter Pack racers began slightly more than one hour ago and already World is filling up quickly. Races have been highly-competitive so far, and many an epic pursuit has been had, and we’re just an hour in. 

    The floodgates open up for everyone starting next Tuesday, July 27, but if you want in to the Head Start, you can still buy the Starter Pack to get in today, which includes a limited edition car, a lot of SpeedBoost and the opportunity to reserve your driver name. 

    ——官网主要就是不遗余力地推销他们的$20USD的Starter Pack..

    已经购买了Starter Pack的玩家在10:00 am PDT就可以玩了,而不买Starter Pack的玩家要等多一个星期(7月27日)才能玩哦。


  • 火爆狂飙:天堂 原声音乐 Burnout:Paradise OST 下载

    以下内容是我把它下载后再补上没有的8首,共40首。 阅读更多…

  • 刺猬大作战Hedgewars 0.9.13 发布






    Sat, 04/03/2010 – 17:23 — Tiyuri

    It’s been a long time in the making, but it’s finally here (if a few days late). We’d like to thank everyone who’s contributed to make this the most polished, the most exciting and the most fun Hedgewars release ever.

    There’s a lot to see, so either read the changelog below or simply head to the download page now and grab it!

    Below is a summary of the new features, this is not a complete changelog

    • many bug fixes
    • speed optimisations
    • many new hats, hats visible while using rope and blowtorch
    • Exploding barrels
    • AI uses new weapons, aware of fire, can fight in artillery mode
    • New options in ammo editing – crate probability, delays
    • option of semi-opaque hog name tags to avoid fail when land is hidden by name
    • new British voicepack
    • notification sound when people join your room
    • translation updates
    • contextual help when using weapons menu
    • 3d effect for waves
    • fade effect when starting/stopping game
    • new game modes – place hedgehog, king mode, randomise starts, allies share ammo, disable girders
    • shift + direction to turn without moving
    • view ammo menu when not your turn
    • new font for CJK text and better CJK detection
    • dud mines
    • hat reservation for donators (hats should be released to public in 6 months or so)
    • team flags
    • visual effects: dust on fall impact, smoke, shotgun shells, blink team name on start of turn, hogs pulling weapons out, falling flakes kicked by explosion and more
    • hogs react to throwing grenades / dynamite and when near them
    • graphic of crate contents when picking up weapon/utility
    • walk sound for hedgehogs
    • UFO changed to homing bee
    • splashes/droplets when things fall in the water
    • 45 degree bounce when throwing grenades
    • new bounce sounds
    • information on game rules when starting game
    • knockball map (scripted map)
    • Birdy weapon and poisoning effect
    • maze generator for new random maps
    • new crazy map template
    • new Olympics, Desert themes, visual updates to many other themes
    • Background texture for land for a 3d effect on explosions
    • frontend able to delete teams
    • ignore/friends lists in frontend
    • alt weapon preview on rope, parachute
    • updated options in frontend: independent toggles for frontend/game sound/music, select locale
    • More
    • lua scripting
      Lua scripting allows the easy creation of missions and special maps. Examples of this can be seen in the Knockball and Basketball maps, that are now scripted

    We hope you enjoy this release, as always we look forwards to your feedback, we hope you have lots of fun and we’ll see you all on the server.
    Expect a new tournament soon!

    另一个changelog: http://fireforge.net/scm/viewvc.php/*checkout*/trunk/ChangeLog.txt?revision=3268&root=hedgewars

  • 刺猬战争的百战天虫声音包下载


    把文件解压到 Hedgewars 0.9.10\share\hedgewars\Data\Sounds\voices 目录下即可

    下载地址见论坛 http://ki11jm.5d6d.com/thread-1773-1-1.html